Thursday, May 31, 2018

Putting the "Me" in Meteorology: About Me

Hey Everyone!

My name is Aric Ilbeig and welcome to the Weather Wednesdays Blog. 

As you may be able to guess by the blog title now, my career goal is to become a Meteorologist.

"Wait, so you want to be a weatherman?" is the first response I receive back from 99.9% of people I talk too. I'll go so far to even make a "forecast" to say the next person I talk too will react the same way. Although being in front of the camera and on TV is cool, I want to keep my options open. There are a wide range of career options for individuals pursuing a career in this specific field.

Currently though, I am a student at the University of Houston studying Biotechnology.
"Wait, what? Biotechnology? Shouldn't you be studying meteorology?" is the second response I receive back from most people. To this, I say yes, I should be. There's a long story as to why I'm not, but I'll keep it brief here through a series of steps:

My Meteorology Journey Thus Far:

1) Initially entering UH, I was studying to get a degree in Petroleum Engineering. Obviously that did not work out...:/

2) When trying to switch over to the Natural Science & Mathematics College for a degree in Environmental Science (Atmosphere Science is a path you can take with this degree), I did not meet certain requirements. Once again, that didn't work out...:/

3) Lastly, during my sophomore year, I went ahead and applied to Texas A&M University declaring myself as a meteorology major. Well...I got accepted (finally something worked out), but I decided to stay at UH for various reasons.


Now that brings us to present day 2018. Looking back, deciding whether to stay at UH or leave to Texas A&M to study what I was truly passionate about was by far one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make. Even though that may be the case, I do not regret staying at UH...or at least I try not too. There will always be a part of me which looks back to ask "What if I transferred over? How would things have been different?" To that, I say I don't know. Circumstances could have been better or they could have been worse, but what I do know is that I am thankful for all the people I have met at UH, the friends I have made, and the memories created which will last me a lifetime.

Planning on graduating this Fall 2018, my plan as of now is to pursue a Masters degree in Meteorology/Atmospheric Sciences. Growing up, I have always had an interest in the weather. I remember in the 5th grade, as a class, we would record the daily highs and lows and then create a line graph for it. Shortly afterwards, it was during the 8th grade when Hurricane Ike hit the Gulf Coast of Texas and I just remember grabbing one of those Hurricane Tracking Maps and actually tracking the storm. It may or may not have been for an assignment, but regardless I just found it pretty cool. I even ordered a DVD to serve as a memory of the storm as Hurricane Ike was the first ever hurricane which I did not evacuate for.
2010 Hurricane Tracking Map
2018 Hurricane Tracking Map

At the end of the day though, no matter what your profession is, no matter where you are in this world, no matter your race, gender, sexual preference, how much money you have, your social matter any of that, there are two things I believe every human being has in common. One, is the desire to be happy. Everyone wants to be happy and two, is the weather. Weather affects each and everyone of us. It does not discriminate.

As I learn more about this field and gain more knowledge, I plan to share that with y'all in hopes that maybe you yourself can catch a 10,20,30 or even a 100% chance of attraction towards the weather around you just like I have.

Every Wednesday...Weather Wednesday that is, you should see a new post in this blog. If you would like to track my coordinates on becoming a meteorologist as well as get up to the minute notifications, definitely hit that follow button on the side. Thank you for the support & I hope you all have a fantastic Friday or fantastic day depending on where you are in the world.

Your Future Meteorologist,
Aric Ilbeig 

Comment down below if you already enjoy the weather! What percent are you at? What part of weather fascinates you the most?

"We may not be able to change the world, but we can change somebody's world for a moment"
 - Unknown


  1. Hey bud, great work! I'll try my best to keep up with Weather Wednesdays. Btw why is your first article posted on a Thursday :) - Kshitij

    1. Thanks bro, I really appreciate it! It says Thursday because I finished writing it that day, but I didn't post it until Friday.
